Family Business Model Tool
Family Business Model Tool
Do you want to analyse your company without much effort, without external consulting, without workshops and in an easy way? Would you like to use the online Family Business Model Tool to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your company in the specific DNA strands of the business model, the best family companies live?

The Family Business Model Tool was designed to do just that! Answer the questions about the 10 successful DNA strands and receive your personal evaluation.

You also have the opportunity to analyse the Family Business Model with selected executives of your company and family members. In return you will receive the desired number of individual Family Business Model Tool accesses. Anyone can answer the questions personally. You will receive a weighted average result of all participants and each participant will also receive his individual report.

The Family Business Model Tool helps you to analyse your business and focus on strategic focal points, whether you want to do this alone or with your confidants.


© 2022 Family Business Model - Dott. Markus Weishaupt

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